KYOKUMA is a painter who creates a dark and poisonous atmospheric world, but at the same time has a sense of humor and lacks a tragic sense of humor.
She has been drawing since childhood and wants to liberate the freedom of girls who feel uncomfortable and insecure in their daily lives.
In five years, I want to become a picture book artist for adults.


KYOKUMA was born and raised in a humid, sunny countryside where there was little entertainment and where pictures and nature were the only objects of play.
From an early age, KYOKUMA loved to draw and was admired for her art.
After attending local schools, she studied graphic design at a vocational school,
Exhausted by working on a computer, she gave up her dream of becoming a designer.

KYOKUMA met his current partner who loves art,
She did not paint for 17 years until she met her current partner, who loves art, and encouraged her to pick up the brush again.
No one ever taught Kyokuma how to paint.

Kyokuma's primary goal in creating art is to move people emotionally.
In order to achieve this, we first want to create artwork that moves us.
KYOKUMA's greatest freedom comes from painting, and since beginning to paint, she feels more emotionally liberated.
KYOKUMA loves to get lost in the process of painting and enjoys painting girls and children, wanting them to have mental freedom despite their physical constraints.
KYOKUMA's themes often include self-affirmation, freedom, small pleasures, and the difficulties of childhood.

KYOKUMA primarily uses acrylic paints and does not do base sketches.
Instead, KYOKUMA starts with a brush,
layers and then corrects them by painting repeatedly.

KYOKUMA は、娯楽がほとんどなく、絵と自然だけが遊びの対象となる、湿気が多く日照時間の少ない田舎で生まれ育ちました。

それからKYOKUMAが芸術を愛する現在のパートナーに出会い、再び絵筆を握るよう勧められるまで、 17 年間筆を折ることになります。

KYOKUMA は絵を描く過程に夢中になるのが大好きで、身体的な制約にもかかわらず精神的な自由を持ってもらいたいと考えて、少女や子供を描くことを楽しんでいます。
